Erectile Dysfunction Specialist in Bulverde

Around 30 million men experience erectile dysfunction, or ED, in the US. If you’re struggling to achieve and / or maintain an erection, you know just how frustrating the condition can be!
Sexual health plays a key role in your overall well-being. An erectile dysfunction specialist in Bulverde can provide the treatment you need to get things working again without surgery or pills.
When Should I See an Erectile Dysfunction Specialist?
If your erectile dysfunction persists or occurs frequently, you’ll want to schedule an appointment with an erectile dysfunction specialist.
Sometimes erectile dysfunction is caused by an underlying, undiagnosed condition such as high blood pressure, so you want to get to the root of the issue.
If left untreated, ED can cause more stress and can have a serious impact on your relationships.
How Do I Prepare to Meet With an ED Specialist?
Before meeting with a specialist, gather relevant medical records as well as a list of medications you’re currently taking.
This includes natural supplements as well. You’ll also want to be prepared to talk extensively about your medical history and symptoms. Write down any concerns or questions you have.
What Should I Expect at My Initial Appointment?
During your appointment with an erectile dysfunction specialist, you’ll discuss your medical history, lifestyle, and symptoms.
The specialist may perform an examination and order tests to determine the underlying cause. Treatment for ED ranges from medications to lifestyle changes to therapy.
Where Is the Best Place to Find an Erectile Dysfunction Specialist in Bulverde?
If you’re struggling with sexual dysfunction, come to Lake Landing Aesthetics & Wellness for personalized care.

Learn More
Call our team today at 210-859-9593 to schedule an appointment or book now online!